A few months ago, I learned a lesson that’s hard to forget and even harder to laugh about. On June 22, 2024, I misplaced the key to my room. For the next two days, I got a crash course in what it really means to be a “soms” at school—stranded. I experienced what it means to be stranded and helpless. I had nothing with me except my phone and the clothes I was wearing. Despite searching endlessly, I couldn’t find the key, and by midnight, I was exhausted and frustrated. With no options left, I ended up sleeping on a couch, just trying to make it through the night.

Sunday came around, and things went from bad to worse. I had to cancel my Sunday school program and couldn’t even attend church. I spent the whole day hunting for the key, without a toea to my name. Hunger started setting in, and when I reached out to student services for help, they were swamped with SRC sports and promised assistance only on Monday.

As another night dragged on with no solution in sight, I was on the brink of despair. By 9 PM, a thought crossed my mind—I decided to visit Pastor Smith’s room, who is also a student at the school. Then, in a moment of desperation, I walked to his room knocked on the door. I felt like a walking zombie, barely able to stand. I felt as if I was about to faint, completely drained of energy. Pastor Smith, seeing my pitiful state, bought me some biscuits and a mango, and despite my reluctance, he made me a cup of 3-in-1 coffee. It was a beverage I hadn’t touched in two years, but I was too weak to argue or resist. By the next morning, I turned down the coffee with a laugh, grateful to be somewhat revived, understanding that I was on the mend.

That night, I regained my strength, and after a word of prayer, I slept peacefully and woke up to a renewed energy. On Monday, I finally got the carpenter to open my room.

The real kicker? I realized that in times of need, even the smallest acts of kindness become monumental. When everything is going well, we often overlook these gestures. But when you’re hungry, tired, and completely at the end of your rope, those acts of kindness are priceless. They’re given freely, with no strings attached, and no matter how much you try to repay them, they’re the kind of love that can never be matched.



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