If The Dream Comes Back   

 Across the cool breeze of the ocean to the bay,
I stand here in the quiet night and pray,
Still holding to a dream so bright,
I watch its shadow fade from sight.

I pray, I hope, beneath the stars,
That someday it’ll return from afar,
For in my soul, it still belongs,
The melody to all my songs.

But while I wait, I’ll turn my gaze,
To work on me in countless ways,
To grow, to learn, to find my place,
To better myself at my own pace.

For dreams are patient, dreams are kind,
And sometimes they’re a path we find,
Not always straight, but full of turns,
With lessons deep that help us learn.

So I will wait with open heart,
For life may bring us back to start,
And if the dream finds me once more,
I’ll embrace it stronger than before.

I’ll welcome her with love anew,
A stronger me, still loving true.

© Bata Des Inspirations 2024 (31st-August 2024).



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